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1.与亚马逊变体 listing 相关术语

父体(Parent):是产品选项(或子体 ASIN)所属的主详情页面,消费者无法购买父体 ASIN。父体 ASIN 应包含该变体组所有 ASIN 组的全部关键产品信息,但不应包含与变体主题、特定 GTIN、库存水平或价格等信息。

子体(Child):子体 ASINs 是在父体下刊登的可购买 ASIN,会在详细页面中显示为可用产品选项(available product options)。

变体主题(Variation Theme):反映的是同个变体组中各个子体的不同之处。不同的产品类别可以有不同的变体主题,部分变体组可以有 1 到 2 个变体主题。例如香味作为一个单一的变体主题,颜色和大小作为一对变体主题。

变体组(Variation Family):指的是在一个变体主题下的父体 ASIN 和子体 ASIN。








c.变体组中的产品除了变体主题方面的不同,没有其它不同之处。如果你的变体主题是颜色,那么你的子体 ASIN 只能有颜色上的不同。

d.售卖的商品之间不应存在新旧版的差异:以电子产品为例,即便尺寸和颜色相同,如果存在新旧版的差异,则不应该将它们作为变体组合,而应该使用New Version功能来建立新旧产品之间的联系。











如果你正因变体滥用而账号被暂停,你需要做的第一件事就是查看你的 listing,自己找出问题所在,因为在你解决问题前亚马逊不会给你任何提示,也不会回复你的 listing 或账号。不要过分依赖网上所谓的“通用万能模板”,各人情况不同,要根据自己账户的具体情况具体的去写POA。


自我检查:发现自己是如何滥用变体的,你的所有 listing 是否都合并在一起?在你提交申诉前,确保你修正了所有的 listing。

根本原因:了解是什么原因导致你误用变体,是对亚马逊政策理解失误,还是对 listing 监管不够。

行动计划(POA):明确自己将怎么解决这个问题,并确保这种情况不再发生。你需要具体说明你已经采取了哪些步骤来纠正和确保未来 listing 的质量。

回顾亚马逊这场浩荡的扫号行动,平台针对变体违规问题打击力度是越来越大,现在越来越多的卖家因 ASIN 滥用而丢失了他们的商品和账户。一个好的变体,不仅能为买家提供流程的购物体验,还能从而提高自己的销量。所以为了避免这类情况发生在自己身上,多花时间了解亚马逊政策是非常重要的,注意不止是你,你的员工也需要深入了解,并严格执行。账户遇到问题可第一时间发给魔词申诉帮你做一个评估分析~


Dear Amazon performance team,

We received your notification about that our selling privilege was removed due to we misusing the ASIN variations and we have not sent you an acceptable plan to address the problem with our account, but actually, we did take actions to resolve the problem after receiving your warning, and email you about that; on XXXX/XX/XX, we received your respond about that you appreciated our effort to comply with Amazon selling policy.

The following are the detail and POA that we made to resolve the problem and prevent misuse ASIN variations similar violation in the future, please kindly check it, we promise that we did not let this issue happen again in the future;

- -Adding children products that are not true variations of the parent product -- Changing the patent product’s detail page so it does not match the children. The issue that caused the complaints:

Our mistake is that we used the clothes category to upload our goods for phone accessories, due to we cannot choose color variations from the phone accessories category. This mistake was made by our new staff who just worked at our company for a week.

Immediate Actions we took

1, our sales manager checked all our on-line listings one by one, anyone which has been violated the rules of Amazon has been removed, please kindly check some details as follows : We listed only x ASIN here, but we total deleted about x ASIN from our

inventory, we are sure there is no mistake at our variations now;

To prevent similar violation in the future, we will follow the ASIN creation Policy, we learn ASIN Creation Policy again:

Matching our products to existing products in the Amazon catalog helps drive high-quality customer experience. Matching to an existing product instead of creating a duplicate listing allows we to more fully benefit from buyer interest and traffic for that product,The following prohibited practices are a misuse of variations ( also known as

parent-child relationships). I create a negative customer experience and can result in

our ASIN creation or selling privileges being temporarily or permanently removed Adding children that are not variations of the parent product; Changing the parent product’s detail page so it does not match the children; Adding multi-pack children by bundling two or more of the same manufacturer products, such as bundling two three-packs to create a package quantity of six. Multi-pack children must be packaged by the manufacturer. If a customer wants to buy two or more of the same product, they can select that quantity for purchase.

Here are things to keep in mind to help ensure we create the relationship correctly:

1. Parent/Child Relationship

Every variation relationship includes a parent and a number of unique children. The parent can be thought of as a non-buyable "umbrella" which connects the different variation of children. When you create a variation relationship, you use a parent SKU as this umbrella for your products. The parent SKU should represent the core product. Do not include any child-level information (size, color, UPC) on the parent SKU.

2. Variation Themes

Variation themes are the way that Amazon systems determine how a set of products varies. The theme is set only on the parent and all children must have valid values for the attributes corresponding to the parent's theme. Examples of variation themes include Color/ Name, Size/Count, Color, Style, Scent, etc.

The relationship we create is a relationship between your specific SKUs. When you submit your product information, Amazon will use the relationship information that you provide in connection with the information provided by other sellers of the same products to determine the specific relationship that is presented to customers. This means that the information displayed on the site may vary from your submitted relationship. The SKUs in your inventory however will reflect the most recent information you submitted, regardless of how the products are displayed on the site.

Our plans to prevent adding children products that are not true variations of the parent product, we make some plans as follows :

1. Train our employees Amazon ASIN Creation policy, make sure they are familiar with Amazon policy, and before uploading a new listing on our stores, our sales manager will check all the contents especially the true variations of the parent products;

2. Before upload a listing on Amazon, we will have to make sure the Parent/Child relationship, full check if this catalog support variation or not, if it doesn’t support variation, we will upload these listings one by one instead of adding children products that are not true variations of the parent product;

3. We will only use the correct same variations when creating parent/child relationships. Our sales manager will check this each week for all our online listings. Any listings will be removed once they were found in the invalid listings or variations to product detail page or violated other Amazon policies or rules;

4. We will follow the ASIN Creation Policy in the future, we will arrange employees to learn and have a test for this policy every week to make sure that this issue will not happen again.

5. Designed our new policy, our sales manager will supervise our future selling, the sales manager will check each new ASIN every day for a double check to be sure no ASIN violates any rules of Amazon. We promise that we will follow Amazon's policy in the future, meets Amazon's every metric and selling policy. Please kindly consider reinstating

our selling privilege.

Thank you so much.
